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Serving applications - Multiple Choices Questions

Question 1: The transport services

The services play an important role in computer networks since they define what the user can really expect. Selection all the correct affirmations about the connectionless network service ?

Question 2: The connection-oriented service: user interactions

The connection-oriented service is perhaps the most widely used transport service. The interactions between the user of the service and the underlying protocol can be represented as the exchange of various primitives. Considering the interactions between a user of the connection-oriented transport service and its provider, which of the following affirmations are correct? Select all the correct ones.

Question 3: The connection-oriented transport service

Consider the connection-oriented transport service. Among the following affirmations about this service, select the ones that are correct.

Question 4: The network layer

Which of the following affirmations correspond to the behaviour of the network layer ? Select all the correct ones.

Question 5: Connectionless transport

Which of the following mechanisms are likely to be used inside a protocol that provides the unreliable connectionless transport service running on top of an unreliable connectionless network layer? Select all the applicable mechanisms.

Question 6: The three-way handshake

The three-way handshake allows successfully negotiating the establishment of a transport connection. Among the following time-sequence diagrams, which is the one that corresponds to a valid three-way handshake ?

Question 7: The three-way handshake: possible scenarios

The three-way handshake allows successfully negotiating the establishment of a transport connection. Consider a transport connection that begins which the exchange of two segments as shown in the figure below.


Consider what happens after the exchange of these two segments. Only one of the affirmations below is correct. Which one ?