
Author(s) Emilie Deprez
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Category tags bgp


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BGP - Routing Information Base

In a network whose topology is not known, AS100 has the following Routing Information Base

Prefix Route

AS15:AS68:AS51 learned from a client

AS12:AS51 learned from a provider

AS93:AS51 learned through a shared-cost link

AS18:AS29:AS69 learned from a provider

AS83:AS69 learned from a provider

AS59:AS40 learned through a shared-cost link

AS40 learned from a provider

AS55:AS2:AS48 learned from a client

AS45:AS48 learned from a client

AS48 learned from a provider

In this network we assume AS1 advertises the prefix p1, AS2 the prefix p2, ...

Question 1: Best path

For each prefix, give the preferred route by AS100.

Provide your answer as a list <prefix>-<route> such as p1-AS2:AS1, p2-AS2, ...

Question 2: Routes advertised to a provider

What are the routes announced by AS100 to a provider ?

Provide your answer as a list <prefix>-<route> such as p1-AS2:AS1, p2-AS2, ...

Question 3: Routes advertised to a client

What are the routes announced by a AS100 to a client ?

Provide your answer as a list <prefix>-<route> such as p1-AS2:AS1, p2-AS2, ...

Question 4: Routes advertised through a shared-cost

What are the routes announced by a AS100 through a shared-cost ?

Provide your answer as a list <prefix>-<route> such as p1-AS2:AS1, p2-AS2, ...