
Author(s) Olivier Bonaventure
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Category tags telnet


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Another telnet trace

Question 1: The username

What is the username that the client used to log on this server ?

Question 2: The password

What is the password that the client used to log on this server ?

Question 3: Telnet trace

This packet trace was collected on a server while a client was connecting to the telnet service. Telnet supports remote logins and basically a telnet session is a TCP connection where:

  • the keys typed by the client are sent as ASCII characters
  • the server output is sent as ASCII characters

Looking at the trace below or using wireshark, can you extract some information ? Note that the 20 bytes packets that you see below are pure TCP acknowledgements that do not carry any data.

0000  87fa001749f0eaab  00000000a000aaaa  
0010  00300000                            

0000  .ú..Iðê«......ªª
0010  .0..            
  • Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 34810, Dst Port: 23, Seq: 0, Len: 0
    • Source Port: 34810
      • Destination Port: 23
        • TCP Segment Len: 0
          • Sequence number: 0 (relative sequence number)
            • Acknowledgment number: 0
              • 1010 .... = Header Length: 40 bytes (10)
                • Window size value: 43690
                  • Calculated window size: 43690
                    • Checksum: 0x0030 [unverified]
                      • Urgent pointer: 0