
Author(s) Roy Makhlouf Anthony Doeraene
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Add lists

You have to write a function called addLinkedLists which will add two integers, represented using reversed linked lists.

The linked lists are represented using the following structure:

typedef struct node{
    int val;
    struct node *next;
} node_t;

Examples of use

  • addLinkedLists(1->2->3->NULL, 2->3->4->NULL), the first linked list represent 321 while the second represent 432. If we add these numbers, we obtain 753, the function must thus return 3->5->7->NULL
  • addLinkedLists(9->9->9->NULL, 1->NULL), the first linked list represent 999 while the second represent 1. If we add these numbers, we obtain 1000, the function must thus return 0->0->0->1->NULL
  • addLinkedLists(5->9->2->NULL, 1->2->2->4->NULL), the first linked list represent 295 while the second represent 4221. If we add these numbers, we obtain 4516, the function must thus return 6->1->5->4->NULL

Question 1: Add List
 *@pre head1 != NULL, head2 != NULL.
 * head1, head2 sont des listes chainées représentant un nombre entier positif à l'envers sans zéros inutiles. Chaque noeud contient un naturel entre 0 et 9
 *@post retourne une liste chainée représentant la somme des nombres dans head1 et head2 (nombre écrits à l'envers) ou NULL en cas d'erreur
node_t *addLinkedLists(node_t *head1, node_t *head2);
Question 2: Méthodes auxiliaires

Ecrivez ici vos méthodes auxiliaires