
Autor(es) Olivier Bonaventure
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Pregunta 1: Frames sent by a go-back-n sender

You implement a Go-back-n sender and observe the following frames that you send/receive. Assume that you use a window of three frames.

Pregunta 2: A go-back-n sender

You implement a Go-back-n sender and observe the following frames that you send/receive. Assume that you use a window of three frames.


Which affirmation is correct among the ones below:

Pregunta 3: A go-back-n sender

You implement a Go-back-n sender and observe the following sequence of frames. Assuming that you have a window of three segments.


Among the following affirmations, only one is correct. Which one ?

Pregunta 4: A go-back-n receiver

You implement a go-back-n receiver and receive the following frames.


How do you respond to the reception of the frame D(2,b) ?