
Autor(es) Emilie Deprez
Fecha de entrega Sin fecha de envío
Tiempo límite de envío Sin límite de envío
Etiquetas de categoría ipv6


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IPv6 - forwarding packets

Consider the following forwarding table.

Destination Nexthop/Interface

Pregunta 1:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:13::bc ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 2:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:12:1a4d::476 ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 3:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:16::de ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 4:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:12:1a4f::5 ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 5:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:10::bad:cafe ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 6:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:14:1431::2 ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 7:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db8:12:1a40::26 ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7

Pregunta 8:

On which nexthop or interface will the router forward a packet sent towards 2001:db9:: ?

Provide your answer by indicating nexthop9 or interface7