
Author(s) Emilie Deprez
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Category tags ethernet


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The spanning tree protocol - BPDU exchanged - 2

Consider the network shown in the figure below where the cost of each link is indicated on it.

S22 S4 S39 S37 S6 10 1 5 2 2 1

Question 1: BPDU sent

What is the BPDU sent by switch S4 in this network ? Provide your answer as R=123,C=456,T=789

Question 2: BPDU sent

What is the BPDU sent by switch S22 in this network ? Provide your answer as R=123,C=456,T=789

Question 3: BPDU sent

What is the BPDU sent by switch S39 in this network ? Provide your answer as R=123,C=456,T=789

Question 4: BPDU sent

What is the BPDU sent by switch S37 in this network ? Provide your answer as R=123,C=456,T=789

Question 5: BPDU sent

What is the BPDU sent by switch S6 in this network ? Provide your answer as R=123,C=456,T=789