
Autor(es) Olivier Bonaventure
Fecha de entrega Sin fecha de envío
Tiempo límite de envío Sin límite de envío
Etiquetas de categoría tcp


Inicia sesión

The first TCP segment sent by a client.

TCP segments contain flags. These are defined in Section 3.1 of RFC793.

The segment below was sent by a client to create a TCP connection towards a web server. Ingicated the values of the SYN, URG, PSH, ACK, FIN and RST flags inside this segment (1 means set and 0 means reset)?

Establishment of a TCP connection

This segment was sent by a client to create a TCP connection towards a web server. What are the flags that must be set inside this segment ?

# Length Summary Status
0 24 bytes Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 53722, Dst Port: 1234, Seq: 3977449417, Len: 0  

0000  d1da04d2ed130fc9  0000000060??7080  
0010  00000000020405a0                    

0000  ÑÚ.Òí..É....`?p.
0010  ........        
  • Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 53722, Dst Port: 1234, Seq: 3977449417, Len: 0
    • Source Port: 53722
      • Destination Port: 1234
        • Sequence number: 3977449417
          • Acknowledgment number: 0
            • 0110 .... = Header Length: 24 bytes (6)
              • Flags
                • 000. .... .... = Reserved: Not set
                  • ...0 .... .... = Nonce: Not set
                    • .... 0... .... = Congestion Window Reduced (CWR): Not set
                      • .... .0.. .... = ECN-Echo: Not set
                        • .... ..?. .... = Urgent: ?
                        • .... ...? .... = Acknowledgment: ?
                        • .... .... ?... = Push: ?
                        • .... .... .?.. = Reset: ?
                        • .... .... ..?. = Syn: ?
                        • .... .... ...? = Fin: ?
                      • Window size value: 28800
                        • Urgent pointer: 0
                          • Options: (4 bytes), Maximum segment size
                            • TCP Option - Maximum segment size: 1440 bytes
                              • Kind: Maximum Segment Size (2)
                                • Length: 4
                                  • MSS Value: 1440