
Forfatter(e) Simon Gustin
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Kategorimerkelapper session1

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Session 1: Q* Bathtub with a hole

Lucie wants to take a bath, but her bathtub has a hole in it. When she opens the tap, 12L water flows in the bathtub every minute, and 1L flows out of the hole every minute.

You would like to know how many minutes she would have to wait until the bathtub is filled with at least 80L of water, and would also like to simulate the growth of volume of water in Python.

First, compute the number of minutes needed to have exactly 80L in the bathtub (as a floating point number) and store it in a variable called filled_time. Then, store the current volume of water in a variable called water_vol (starting at 0) and use a for loop in which, at each iteration (representing each minute), the volume of water would be added/removed the volume of water flowing out the tap/hole. In other word, on each iteration, water_vol should increase by 12L and decrease by 1L.

The for loop should stop on the first iteration where the volume of water is larger than 80L. This can be computed from filled_time.

Note: you can round a floating point number to the first larger integer using the following code:

import math
float_nb = 3.14
int_nb = math.ceil(float_nb)  # `int_nb` is equal to 4
