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Tác giả Quentin de Laet Anthony Doeraene
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Filter Circular Linked List

Your task is to implement a function able to filter out the elements of a circular linked list based on a given predicate function.

For this exercise, use the following data structures :

typedef struct node {
    struct node* next;
    int value;
} node_t;

typedef struct circular_linked_list{
    struct node* tail;
    int size;
} list_t;

For instance, here's how the function should behave with the following lists :

Note : when the tail of the initial list is not kept, the tail of the returned list must be the closest node to the left that has been accepted by the predicate. In the example above, if the node "e" had not been accepted into the returned list, then the new tail would have been the node "c".

 * Filters out the nodes of a circular linked list based on a predicate.
 * @param list : the circular linked list to filter
 * @param predicate : a function that returns 1 if the node with value "val" must be kept in the filtered list, and 0 otherwise.
 * @return list_t* : a new circular linked list that contains all the nodes which passed the conditions of the predicate.
 * Its tail must be the node that was the closest to the tail of the initial list.
 * The nodes of the returned list must be independent from those of the initial one (malloc required).
 * /!\ If anything goes wrong, return NULL.
list_t* filter(list_t* list, int (*predicate) (int val)){