Thông tin

Tác giả Jean-Luc Bibaud Anthony Doeraene
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Giới hạn nộp bài Không có giới hạn


Đăng nhập


In this exercice you are asked to implement a function to reverse a given linked list. So for example if your input is a list in the form a->b->c, your output should be c->b->a. You can implement this with recursion if you so desire.

You have a linked list composed of nodes.

typedef struct node{
    int val;
    struct node *next;
} node_t;

Câu hỏi 1: Reverse
* Reverses linked list
* pre         : head will not be null
* @return     : the head of the list reversed
*               NULL if a malloc fails
node_t* reverse(node_t* head){
Câu hỏi 2: Auxiliary functions

Write here your auxiliary functions